Goodbye to Gravity, Days of Confusion si Sinscape cocerteaza in Mojo, joi, 13 noiembrie

Pe data de 13 Noiembrie in Mojo Club rasuna Metal Core. Pentru ca ne place Heavy si pentru ca respiram prin toti porii Metal Core-ul de noua generatie, am invitat sa ne satisfaca aceasta nevoie, cele mai apreciate trupe ale momentului: Goodbye to Gravity, Days Of Confusion si Sinscape. Mai multe informatii despre trupe gasiti in urmatoarele randuri.

Goodbye to Gravity

Hello! We are Goodbye To Gravity – a modern metal band from Bucharest, Romania. You know, where Count Dracula is from! We’re not really from Transylvania, though. Anyway, we digress. We play together since 2010 and we’ve come a long way since then.

We released our debut album in 2012 and in the meantime, we literally played our asses off. I think it’s safe to say that Goodbye To Gravity has been one of the fastest growing brands in Romanian Metal these last years. If you would make a festival with all the bands that we shared the stage with, you would have a line-up cooler than Wacken. Just off the top of our heads: Rammstein, Testament, Trivium, Arch Enemy, Soil- work, Kreator, Sabaton and the list goes on.

Members : Andrei Galut – vocals
Alex Pascu – bass
Vlad Telea – guitars
Bogdan Lavinius – drums
Mihai Alexandru – guitars
Days Of Confusion:


Days of Confusion is a Romanian alternative metal/post grunge band, that started out as the home project of two friends in early 2010 and slowly rose to be one of the most prominent bands in the Romanian underground at the moment, its members being part of various other well known local bands and projects.

Cosmin Lupu – vocals/ guitar (Domination, Mozart Rocks!, ex: Voodoo)
Cezar Popescu – guitar/ vocals (Vita de Vie, Domination, Mozart Rocks!)
Dan Ionescu – guitar (Asha, Mozart Rocks!)
Andrei Ilie – drums/ percussion (Mozart Rocks!, Asha)
Andrei Zamfir – bass guitar

DAYS OF CONFUSION (DoC) este o trupa romaneascaa de alternative metal/post-grunge, ce a luat fiinttaa in anul 2010, in componenta: Cezar Popescu (chitaraa), Cosmin Lupu (voce), Dan Ionescu (chitaraa), Andrei Ilie (tobe). Li s-au alaaturat apoi, la chitaraa-bass, in functie de disponibilitate, Robert Ursache (Proconsul), Adrian Ciuplea (Vita de Vie), Alex Pascu (Goodbye To Gravity), pentru ca in septembrie 2013, formula sa devina stabila, prin venirea lui Andrei Zamfir.
Toamna anului 2012 a marcat aparitia primului material discografic al trupei, un EP de 6 piese, numit ”SEEDS”, care a fost primit cu succes de catre publicul si presa de specialitate din Romania si strainatate.


Deschidere pentru ARCH ENEMY (Suedia) – 18.01.2012 Deschidere pentru ACCEPT (Germania) – 21.10.2012
LANSARE primul EP ”SEEDS” – 29.11.2012
METALHEAD AWARDS 2012 – 31.01.2013 B’ESTFEST SUMMER CAMP – 07.07.2013
ROCKSTADT EXTREME FEST – 29.08.2013Deschidere pentru QUEENSRYCHE (S.U.A) – 20.10.2013
LANSARE single si videoclip ”BLOODSTREAM” – 23.01.2014

Deschidere pentru KARNIVOOL (Australia) – 20.06.2014Turneul BERGENBIER „Zilele Prieteniei” – Craiova (22.06.2014), Galati (10.08.2014), Constanta (16.08.2014)
Trupa a castigat premiul pentru BEST ROMANIAN METAL NEWCOMER in anul 2012, acordat de revista Metalhead.


2013 is the beginning of a new chapter for the band. Having recorded their first EP with anther vocal player, the arrival of Elvis prompted a new direction for the band.
Using the experience of more than a year of playing many different stages around the country, the band is going back to the studio to come up with brand new material.
This year in September, Sinscape won one of the most important music competition in Romania, POSADA ROCK, taking home the biggest prize. Here is the link with one of the songs they played at the awards ceremony:
Mihai Trifan – Guitar
Alex Bucur – Guitar
Bogdan Todor – Bass
Vlad Gheorghe – Drums
Elvis Silitra – Vocals
Want to know more about Sinscape?

Click the links:
2013 este inceputul unui nou capitol pentru trupa Sinscape . Dupa ce au inregistrat primul lor EP, cu noul vocal, sosirea lui Elvis a determinat o noua direcie pentru trupa.

In septembrie 2014, Trupa participa la unul dintre cele mai importante festivaluri din tara, Posada Rock, unde au si castigat premiul cel mare, devenind astfel una dintre cele mai promitatoare trupe din miscare metalcore din tara. Viseaza metalcore si sunt unii dintre cei mai talentati oameni din underground-ul Romanesc.

Piesa “The Syndrom” cantata la Gala Laureatilor de la Posada:

Pe data de 13 Noiembrie, cele trei formatii se vor intalni in Mojo Club si nu ai nici o scuza sa le ratezi.

Open Doors: 20:00
Entry Fee: 20 RON
Mojo Club – Gabroveni 14 – Tel: 0760263496

Biletele pot fi achizitionate in seara concertului de la intrarea in club sau de pe site-ul

Sursa: Comunicat de presa

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