Astăzi începe cea de-a 15-a editie a Festivalului ARTmania de la Sibiu, eveniment ce are loc între 22-24 iulie 2022. Toate abonamentele achiziționate pentru festivalul ARTmania în perioada 2019-2021 rămân valabile pentru ediția din 2022 a acestui eveniment, fără modificări suplimentare de cost.
Bilete și abonamente disponibile la acces.
Reamintim faptul că:
My Dying Bride au anulat concertul din motive de sănătate, iar cei de la Alternosfera vor cânta în locul acestora.
Pain Of Salvation vor amâna show-ul pentru ediția 2023. Cei de la Stoned Jesus vor canta în locul acestora.
Va prezentam mai jos programul festivalului pe zile.
1. The organizer
2. The festival
The three days of concerts, exhibitions, cultural events and creative activities will take place (duration of the festival) on 22 (Friday) and 23 (Saturday) and 24 (Sunday) July 2022: the evacuation of the general public from the festival area will take place in each of the three days, starting with 17:00. The access of the participants will be allowed starting with 17:30 until 00:00 for Fridays and Sundays, respectively, and on Saturday until 00:30 (00.00 of the date of 25.07.2022 is considered, in the sense of the present document, closing time of the festival).
(In this document, the notion of the festival framework will designate the duration and area of the festival, together.)
At ARTmania Festival 2022, fans will be able to listen to some of the most appreciated artists of the moment in the rock & metal genre.
The complete program of the concerts is available on the website: www.artmaniafestival.ro
The program may change due to the situation of international air traffic, the increase in the number of infections with the new variants of the SARS-Cov2 virus and other unforeseen or force majeure situations.
3. The other terms
Full pass– nominal certificate (non-transferable), issued for a fee by the organizer on paper or in electronic form, which grants the participant the right to participate in the festival, for its entire duration.
Adult – parent or guardian of the child or minor he or she accompanies to the festival.
Ticket – nominal certificate (non-transferable), issued for a fee by the organizer on paper or in electronic form, which grants the participant the right to participate in the festival, in one of the three days of its development.
Bracelet – certificate (non-transferable) issued by the organizer when exchanging the ticket, full pass or invitation, by which the organizer grants the participant the right to enter the festival area, for one day or the entire festival, depending on the exchanged document.
Child – participant in the festival or on one of the days of the festival which, until 24.07.2022, inclusive (if he / she participates in the entire festival or only on the second or third day of the festival), or, respectively, until 22.07.2022, inclusive (if they participate only on the first day of the festival), the age of 12 will NOT be reached.
Info Point – information point for the participants about the festival, where they can exchange their tickets, full passes or invitations for bracelets.
Invitation – certificate identified by a number and / or a series of orders, issued by the organizer on paper or in electronic form, granting the participant the right to participate in the festival, in one of the three days or on the entire duration of the festival.
Minor – participant in the festival or on one of the days of the festival which, until 24.07.2022, inclusive (if he participates in the entire festival or only on the third day of the festival), or, respectively, until dated 22.07.2022, inclusive (if he participates only on the first day of the festival), he will NOT be 16 years old and he is NOT a child.
Prohibited objects – goods, products, materials, substances, etc., the possession of which is prohibited during the festival.
Partner – natural or legal person who carries out activities within the festival, based on a legal relationship with the organizer.
Participant – the person who participates in the festival, as a buyer of a ticket / full pass or as a beneficiary of an invitation.
Person with disabilities – participant during the festival or on one of the days of the festival who holds a certificate of disability valid on the day he participates in the festival.
Person under 18 years of age – participant of the festival or on one of the days of the festival which, until 24.07.2022, included (if participating in the entire festival or only on the third day of the festival), or, respectively , until 22.07.2022, included (if you participate only on the first day of the festival), will NOT be reached the age of 18 and who is NOT a minor or child.
Product – any immediate consumer good, sold during the festival (examples: food, alcoholic beverages, non-alcoholic beverages, merchandise).
Service – any other service that does NOT represent the transmission of a product or an object of merchandise, performed during the festival.
Organizer’s website – website www.artmaniafestival.ro.
Websites of the authorized sellers – the Internet pages of the authorized festival ticket sellers, respectively www.artmaniafestival.ro, www.blt.ro, www.eventim.ro, www.iabilet.ro, www.ambilet.ro, www. entertix.ro.
Terms and conditions – all the rules imposed by the organizer to the participants, starting with the moment of purchasing the ticket / full pass or receiving the invitation and until leaving the festival area, as a result of its termination. Buying a ticket / full pass or using an invitation represents acceptance of all terms and conditions, and violation of these rules attracts, unless otherwise provided, eviction from the festival area, the organizer reserving the right to notify the competent authorities in case of antisocial acts.
The terms and conditions can be changed until the closing time of the festival, but only as a result of legislative changes (in a broad sense, including incidental acts of the local administration), in well-justified situations (in which the organizer assumes all efforts to to limit / eliminate any possible inconvenience that could be caused to the participants), as well as in case the organizer decides to extend the rights within the festival (example: introduction of additional, alternative payment systems), in all cases the organizer will take all measures necessary to inform participants in a timely manner. Changing the price of tickets / full passs (see Below) does not constitute a change in the terms and conditions.
4. Access to ARTmania Festival 2022
4.1. The purchase of tickets and season tickets can be done from one of the points of sale of the authorized sellers or from their websites.
Also, the purchase of tickets and season tickets can be done from the organizer’s website: the interested person will create an account (in which the name, surname, e-mail address and telephone number will be entered), after which it will be redirected to the payment processor’s website, where you will enter your bank card details for online payment.
The payment processor is the NETOPIA mobilPAY platform, whose website please access it in order to browse the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.
With regard to these data, in connection with which please read the „Policy on the processing and protection of personal data”, the persons concerned undertake to provide them correctly and completely, the organizer reserving the right to notify the competent authorities in the event of false information or any other attempt at fraud.
The ticket purchased from the artmaniafestiva.ro website will be provided through the BLT.ro ticketing platform, whose website please access it in order to browse the Terms and Conditions and the Policy regarding personal data.
4.2. The persons who purchase tickets or season tickets are asked to verify the veracity of the ticket at the time of purchase and, in case of any suspicion, they must immediately notify the organizer, at the e-mail address info@artmania.ro.
Subsequent complaints will NOT be considered.
ARTmania will NOT award compensation in case of alleged fraud.
4.3. The organizer reserves the right to change the price of tickets or full passs at any time (as in the case of the end of a promotional period), interested persons must follow the organizer’s website or those of authorized sellers (where prices are displayed) before proceeding to purchase. Changing the price of tickets / season tickets does NOT affect people who have confirmed payment before making the change.
4.4. Once purchased, tickets and season tickets can NOT be returned. The equivalent value of the purchased tickets or season tickets can be refunded only in case of cancellation of the festival by the organizer, for reasons that do NOT fall under the force of force majeure (any external event, unpredictable, absolutely invincible and inevitable).
4.5. Tickets and season tickets, as well as invitations, will be scanned and, after confirming their validity, exchanged in bracelets for access to the festival, for one day, respectively season ticket. An Info Point will operate every day of the festival, between 12:00 and 00:00.
The staff within the Info Point is entitled to request from any ticket / full pass / invitation holder the presentation of an identity document, on which the date of birth will be inscribed.
The bracelets are NOT transferable, ensuring access to the festival (in the concert area and those where the related events take place) only to the person to whom it was fixed after changing the ticket / full pass / invitation.
Wearing the bracelet is mandatory throughout the festival, and it can be checked at any time, both in the access perimeters in the festival area and inside it.
The rules on bracelets, shown in the previous four paragraphs, apply to all participants, regardless of age, except for the one in the immediately preceding paragraph, which does not apply to children.
5. Access to certain categories of participants
Child – participant in the festival or on one of the days of the festival which, until 24.07.2022, inclusive (if he / she participates in the entire festival or only on the third day of the festival), or, respectively, until dated 22.07.2022, inclusive (if you participate only on the first day of the festival), you will NOT be 12 years old.
Minor – participant in the festival or on one of the days of the festival which, until 24.07.2022, inclusive (if he participates in the entire festival or only in the second of the festival), or, respectively, until of 22.07.2022, inclusive (if he participates only on the first day of the festival), he will NOT be 16 years old and he is NOT a child.
Person under 18 years of age – participant in the festival or on one of the days of the festival which, until 24.07.2022, inclusive (if participating in the entire festival or only on the third day of the festival), or, respectively , until 22.07.2022, inclusive (if you participate only on the first day of the festival), will NOT be reached the age of 18 and who is NOT a minor or child.
At the time of changing the ticket / full pass / invitation, the adult is obliged to present at Info Point a copy of the child’s birth certificate and the standard declaration, completed and signed (the standard declaration can be found on the last page of this document).
The child will receive a bracelet, on which the adult will write down his phone number.
The child will NOT be able to enter the festival area unaccompanied by the adult.
Also, the child will NOT be able to leave the festival area unaccompanied by the adult, except in special situations, such as the evacuation of participants or part of the participants or medical cases (situations in which he will be accompanied by medical staff).
It is recommended to wear helmets or earplugs for children under 10 years of age. The organizer does NOT encourage the presence of very young children at such events, where the high noise level could create negative effects on their hearing.
The adult is responsible for the safety of the child.
Access by strollers is forbidden.
At the moment of changing the full pass or the ticket, the adult is obliged to present at Info Point a copy of the minor’s birth certificate and the standard declaration, completed and signed (the standard declaration can be found on the last page of this document). If the minor is at least 14 years old, the presentation of the birth certificate by the adult will NOT be necessary, the minor will present his / her identity card.
The minor will receive a bracelet, on which the adult will write down his phone number.
The minor will NOT be able to enter the festival area unaccompanied by the adult.
Also, the minor will NOT be able to leave the festival area unaccompanied by the adult, except in special situations, such as the evacuation of participants or part of the participants or medical cases (situations in which he will be accompanied by medical staff). The adult is responsible for the safety of the minor.
5.3. People under the age of 18 can participate in the festival only if they have purchased a ticket / full pass or have received an invitation.
5.4. People with disabilities have free access to the festival.
If the disabled person is classified as severely disabled with a personal assistant, he / she will be accompanied by an assistant, who will also have free access.
People who need the assistance of an attendant will NOT be given a bracelet unless they are accompanied by a personal assistant. People who do NOT need a personal assistant will NOT benefit from gratuity only themselves, and NOT together with another person.
In order to obtain the bracelet, the persons with disabilities will present themselves, within the same data and the same time interval, mentioned above, at Info Point, where they will present an identity document and the valid certificate of disability.
At the moment of changing the full pass or the ticket, the adult is obliged to present at Info Point a copy of the minor’s birth certificate and the standard declaration, completed and signed (the standard declaration can be found on the last page of this document). If the minor is at least 14 years old, the presentation of the birth certificate by the adult will NOT be necessary, the minor will present his / her identity card.
The minor will receive a bracelet, on which the adult will write down his phone number.
The minor will NOT be able to enter the festival area unaccompanied by the adult.
Also, the minor will NOT be able to leave the festival area unaccompanied by the adult, except in special situations, such as the evacuation of participants or part of the participants or medical cases (situations in which he will be accompanied by medical staff). The adult is responsible for the safety of the minor.
5.6. People under the age of 18 can participate in the festival only if they have purchased a ticket / full pass or have received an invitation.
5.7. People with disabilities have free access to the festival.
If the disabled person is classified as severely disabled with a personal assistant, he / she will be accompanied by an assistant, who will also have free access.
People who need the assistance of an attendant will NOT be given a bracelet unless they are accompanied by a personal assistant. People who do NOT need a personal assistant will NOT benefit from gratuity only themselves, and NOT together with another person.
In order to obtain the bracelet, the persons with disabilities will present themselves, within the same data and the same time interval, mentioned above, at Info Point, where they will present an identity document and the valid certificate of disability.
6. Interdictions
In this sense, the organizer reserves the right to temporarily block the access of participants in certain perimeters, if it considers that those perimeters have reached their maximum capacity in which the festival can run safely.
The organizer is NOT responsible for the deterioration of the health of any participant, caused by a pre-existing condition, combined with the specific elements of such a festival (examples: crowds, noise, lighting equipment).
Also, the organizer is NOT responsible for the deterioration of the health of any participant, as a result of the action / omission of another participant, a partner or another person who is not in any relationship with the organizer.
6.2. It is forbidden to enter the festival with:
– Pets,
– consumer products brought from outside the festival area [examples: food, soft drinks (including water), alcoholic beverages],
– psychoactive substances,
– any kind of blunt or dangerous objects, knives, knives, chains, etc.,
– pyrotechnic materials, substances or products,
– sprays (including self-defense sprays),
– any kind of glass (including perfume or cream) or metal containers,
– cosmetic products containing flammable liquids,
– Chinese lasers or lanterns,
– plastic cans, cans, beverage cans,
– umbrellas (foldable or not), and
– banners supported by sticks,
– cameras and other accessories, especially large ones, any kind of tripod, detachable flashes (being prohibited any kind of shooting made with flash or in another way that may disturb the smooth running of the festival or the other participants),
– any kind of substances prohibited by law.
– luggage with dimensions larger than 29X21x12cm (those accepted, for hand luggage, and by airlines),
– helmets for motorcycles, bicycles, scooters, etc.,
– strollers, skateboards, scooters, bicycles, etc.,
– seats (normal or folding),
– food and other perishable products,
– alcoholic products,
– toxic, flammable, explosive materials, substances or products,
– materials, substances or products considered by the organizer to be dangerous for the proper conduct of the event or which may endanger the participants,
There is no storage point available for depositing forbidden objects or large items.
6.4. Access to the festival is allowed with:
– medicines issued on the basis of the related medical prescription (document to be presented, in case of request from the organizer),
– rain capes (regarding the eventuality of rain),
– specific wheelchairs (for people with locomotor disabilities),
– cameras, including professional DSLR (the organizer reserves the right to establish places / areas where photography and filming are prohibited; in case of non-compliance, the organizer has the right to take the camera / video strictly to delete those records , remaining at its discretion if it also orders the evacuation of the participant (s)),
– luggage with maximum dimensions of 29x21x12cm.
Regarding consumer products, we specify that ARTmania Festival 2020 2022 will provide participants with a specially designed food area, which will operate throughout the festival. Thus, those who arrive in the Great Square of Sibiu will be able to enjoy a space dedicated to culinary dishes and drinks, available for all tastes and ages.
6.5. Participants are prohibited from the festival any form of economic activity of any kind (including the promotion of their own services or provided by another person) or advertising, demonstrations, demonstrations and rallies of any kind, distribution of leaflets, attempts to indoctrinate other participants, as well as any other manifestations of behavior that may affect the good conduct of the festival or the good mood of other participants.
6.6. It is forbidden to sell cigarettes and alcoholic beverages to minors. The organizer and his partners have the right to request from any participant the presentation of an identity document attesting to age.
7. First aid area
If the participant is unable to travel, he / she is asked to ask for the help of the nearest representative of the organizer or security guard.
8. Payment within ARTmania Festival 2022
By taking the Payvent Tag, the Participants agree to the terms of use in the set of „Terms and Conditions for the Payvent Tag”, available for consultation link, an integral part of this Regulation, and accept them as they are stated.
The Payvent tag is the only payment method within the Event, has a single individual account balance and can only be used for cashless payments at the Event. Participants have the obligation to use at the Event only the payment methods and tools established by the Organizer and its Partners. Payment in cash within the perimeter of the Event is strictly prohibited, outside the areas previously established by the Organizer *.
Within the perimeter of the ARTmania 2022 Festival will be located 4 (four) points for issuing, loading and recharging Tag Payvent payment cards, each with 2 points of sale. Their operating hours will be:
Friday, July 22, 2022 – 18: 00: 00-00: 59: 59 2 TOP-UP Tower (7 seats)
Saturday, July 23, 2022 – 13: 00: 00-00: 59: 59 1 TOP-UP Tower (1 post)
Saturday, July 23, 2022 – 18: 00: 00-00: 59: 59 2 TOP-UP Tower (7 seats)
Sunday, July 24, 2022 – 13: 00: 00-00: 59: 59 1 TOP-UP Tower (1 post)
Sunday, July 24, 2022 – 18: 00: 00-00: 59: 59 2 TOP-UP Tower (7 seats)
During the Event, the Organizer allows the withdrawal of the unused balance, as follows:
The refund procedure exclusively at the Event location consists in returning the remaining amounts on the Payvent Tag, exclusively in cash, to any of the TOP-UP Towers within the Event perimeter, during the period when TOP-UP Towers are open – see detailed info above. In order to make the refund, the Participant must present the tag and ensure that it shows no signs of compromise (except in cases agreed by the Organizer). The final date for withdrawing the balance is July 25, 2022, 00:59:59, the time from which all TOP-UP Towers will close.
The unused balance on the Payvent Tag and not returned (no return is requested within the set return period) remain the property of the Organizer and cannot be used in another edition of the Event.
We ask visitors not to leave the withdrawal of the final balance for the last moment.
The organizer does not assume responsibility for lost or damaged cards and will only refund the amounts entered on a physical and undamaged card, presented at TOP-UP Tower during the period in which it operates.
*Exceptions. Within the ARTmania 2022 Festival you can use cash / card payment:
a) for the purchase of Merchandise (personalized goods belonging to the bands present at the festival from the Merchandising stand or books, toys and other goods sold by the Carturesti partner at the assigned stand). For all purchased goods, a fiscal receipt must be issued.
b) donations can be made to the account of the Hope & Homes Association at the stand allocated to it.
9. Intellectual property
9.0. All materials presented on the site and on the supports in the festival area represent the property of the organizer or his partners.
All images, emblems, texts from the festival area are reproduced with the consent of their owner (if they are not already assigned to the organizer).
All these elements are subject to intellectual property legislation.
9.1. Participants may NOT use, copy, distribute, publish or incorporate, for the purpose of obtaining income, such elements in other documents or materials in any form without the express prior consent of the organizer or its partners.
9.2. The organizer has the right to image the entire festival and can use the photo and video images, made by both his own staff and participants, in various materials made on the occasion of the festival.
9.3. By accepting the Terms and Conditions, participants agree that the organizer, its partners, members of the media, other participants and other persons who are allowed access to the festival may make audio and / or video recordings of the festival.
9.4. By accepting the Terms and Conditions, participants agree to record and publish their image, appearance and actions, understanding and accepting that the organizer may store and duplicate the recordings and may distribute / disseminate them through specific means, disseminate them or make them public in otherwise, including by informing the public about future editions of the festival, concerts and programs, by means of data transmission by cable or by any other electronic means (examples: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram) or otherwise.
9.5. By accepting the Terms and Conditions, within the limits provided by law, the participants waive any financial or other claim against the organizer arising from actions such as the above.
9.6. Within the limits of the Terms and Conditions, as well as of the law, the participants have the right to make, during the festival, recordings of images, audio and / or video, by means of devices that do not contain, as a component part, prohibited objects and that do not represent, by themselves, forbidden objects.
9.7. Participants who will make registrations at the festival are prohibited, without express prior consent and expressed in writing from the organizer, their marketing or use for the mediated purpose of obtaining money or other material benefits.
10. Responsibility of the organizer. disputes
10.1. In addition to the situations indicated above, the organizer does NOT assume responsibility for:
– no claim raised by persons who will have entered the festival area without having the right or in violation of the Terms and Conditions or the law,
– no claim regarding actions, omissions, events s.a.m.d., made outside the festival area,
– possible delays in evacuating the general public from the festival area, caused by it or by other external factors,
– duration of the process of entering the festival area,
– the modification of certain segments of the festival, necessary for its good development,
– the evolutions of artists,
– the untimely and unannounced absence of any of the artists (the organizer assuming to take immediately all the measures necessary for the good development of the festival),
– the quality and / or conformity of the products, services and objects of merchandise marketed by the partners,
– no claim based on action or omission on the part of another participant, a partner or another person who is not in any relationship with the organizer,
– no claim based on an event caused by a thing for which the legal guard is NOT responsible for the organizer,
– no claim when it is based on a case in respect of which the law provides for the removal of the responsibility of the organizer,
– no claim, in full, when it is based on a cause in respect of which the law provides for the limitation of the liability of the organizer.
If the event is canceled due to, but not limited to, legislation, force majeure, strikes, natural disasters, weather events, inaccessibility of the location, the organizer may decide to return part or all of the cost of tickets or postpone the event for a later date. .
10.2. Any person who has claims against the organizer will contact him at his headquarters, in order to try to settle the dispute amicably.
If, after completing the attempt to resolve the dispute amicably, no consensus is reached, it may be referred to the competent court.
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