În aceste momente de pandemie, când te-ai săturat să stai acasă, izolat, îți trec diverse idei trăsnite prin cap.
Pentru a aduce un zâmbet pe buze fanilor, americanii de la The Offspring s-au gândit să ofere publicului o filmare cântând o piesă…echipați corespunzători și păstrând distanța socială.
Formația a declarat:
Hey, Guys! Like many of you, we are going a little stir crazy these days and we wanted to do something fun to put a smile on our faces, and hopefully on some of yours too. This song, Here Kitty Kitty, was originally by the Clinton Johnson band, and *not* by anyone in that recent documentary we all got caught up in. The Offspring wives were group texting recently, and while they all agreed that they truly love their husbands, there are times when they’ve absolutely felt like feeding us to the tigers. In that spirit, we hope you enjoy this random song & video.
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