Afla ce piese va contine coloana sonora a noului film Rob Zombie

Chiar daca lui Rob Zombie i-a placut sa se ocupe de coloana sonora a filmelor sale, da data aceasta i-a insarcinat pe John 5 si pe Griffin Boyce, compozitor principal la „The Lords of Salem”, cu asta.

Cei doi au finalizat soundtrack-ul materialului si l-au postat pe site-ul oficial al lui Zombie. Materialul va contine 21 de piese si va fi lansat pe data de 16 aprilie. Pe langa piesele originale, albumul contine si melodii semnate Rush, Manfred Mann si Velvet Underground.

Iata si tracklistingul.

1. ‘Open Wide the Gates’
2. ‘The Curse of Margaret Morgan’ (John 5 & Griffin Boyce)
3. ‘Blinded by the Light (Manfred Mann)
4. ‘No Person in Number Five’
5. ‘A Special Child’ (John 5 & Griffin Boyce)
6. ‘Our Philosophy’
7. ‘Crushing the Ritual’ (Leviathan the Fleeing Serpent)
8. ‘Give It to Me Baby’ (Rick James)
9. ‘Ladies Choice’
10. ‘The Spirit of Radio’ (Rush)
11. ‘Smash or Trash’
12. ‘The Lords Theme’ (John 5 & Griffin Boyce)
13. ‘Salem Rocks’
14. ‘Venus in Furs’ (The Velvet Underground)
15. ‘Three Sisters’ (John 5 & Griffin Boyce)
16. You Know What I Think?’
17. ‘I’ll Always Know’ (John 5 & Griffin Boyce)
18. ‘Apartment Five’
19. ‘Lords Hear Us’
20. ‘All Tomorrow’s Parties’ (The Velvet Underground)
21. ‘WIQZ News’

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