Negura Bunget – „Schimniceste” (videoclip nou)

Timisorenii de la NEGURA BUNGET au publicat un videoclip nou pentru piesa „Schimniceste”. Acesta poate fi vizionat mai jos.

Noul disc, primul din „Transilvanian Trilogy”, se va intitula „Tău” si va fi lansat in data de 27 februarie 2015.Fiecare din cele opt piesele ale albumului „Tau” prezinta un loc natural specific, cu atmosfera si mistica lui unica, cu legendele si intelesurile din spatele lui. Muzical, Negura Bunget intrebuinteaza un arsenal deja familiar de sunete, elemente de black metal primar, greu, contrabalansate de cele meditative si folcloristice. Accentuand caracterul distinct, albumul beneficiaza de aportul unor muzicieni renumiti, precum Alexandrina Hristov (voce pe „Impodobeala Timpului”), Bean MC (Subcarpati, Suie Paparude; voce pe „La Hotaru Cu Cinci Culmi”), Gabriel Almasi (theremin pe „Nametenie”), Rune Eriksen (ex-Mayhem; chitara pe „Impodobeala Timpului”) sau Sakis Tolis (Rotting Christ; voce pe „Tarim Vilhovnicesc”). 

Per total, muzica albumului „Tau” e mai organica decat pe oricare alt album Negura Bunget, fiind legata si de o expresivitate atinsa poate doar de clasicul „Om”Totusi, muzica albumului „Tau” e doar o piesa dintr-un concept mai larg. Punctul crucial e uimitoarea natura transilvana, care se reflecta ca intreg cel mai bine in editia vizuala artbook a albumului, cu 72 de pagini, care contine nu doar variantele in romana si engleza ale textelor, detalii despre locurile prezentate, cu trecutul lor, cat si trei (!) videoclipuri, inchizand astfel acest cerc conceptual.

Descriera albumului facuta de cei de la Prophecy Records este urmatoarea: „Impreuna cu ‘Tău’, pionierii de la Negura Bunget nu ne pun in fata doar succesorul lui „Varstele Pamantului (2010)”, ci ne prezinta primul album lansat via Lupus Lounge/Prophecy Productions. „Tău” marcheaza inceputul ambitiosului proiect, „Transilvanian Trilogy”, un tribut sonic si vizual pentru taramul de bastina a formatiei. In timp ce prima parte prezinta peisajele Romaniei, partea a doua si a treia vor descrie omul si traditiile sale, dar si elementele spirituale din jurul sau.”

Negura Bunget - Tau  The beginning of the ambitious "Transilvanian Trilogy"  With "Tau", Romanian Folk Black Metal pioneers Negura Bunget not only present the long-awaited successor to "Virstele Pamintului" (2010), but also their first album for Lupus Lounge / Prophecy Productions with genuinely new song material. "Tau" also marks the beginning of Negura Bunget's ambitious "Transilvanian Trilogy", a sonic and visual tribute to the band's home country. While this first part highlights Romanian nature, parts two and three will deal with man, his traditions and practices as well as spiritual elements.  On "Tau", each of the eight songs represents a specific natural landscape with its unique atmosphere and mystique, its legends and meanings. Musically, Negura Bunget stick to their familiar range of sounds with both primal, harsh Black Metal elements and their meditative, folkloristic counterparts. Adding to their ever since wide array of instruments, Negura Bunget add a trumpet and other brass for the first time ever, all of which enhance the group's aural scope in an original way. Highlighting its distinctive character, the album boasts guest appearances by illustrious musicians such as Rune Eriksen (ex-Mayhem; guitars on "Impodobeala Timpului") and Sakis Tolis (Rotting Christ; vocals on "Tarim Vilhovnicesc"). Overall, the music on "Tau" seems more earthbound than on any other album by Negura Bunget and depends on an expressiveness which the Romanians have not embraced since the classic "Om". Still, the music within the concept of "Tau" is only one piece of the jigsaw. The crucial point is Transilvania's breathtaking landscape, so in the end, only the imagery of the 72-page artbook edition (which also features explanatory text on the places covered and their history) and the three (!) accompanying music videos will close the conceptual circle.  Incidentally, the title "Tau" has two meanings: on the one hand, it addresses man ("your/thy"), and on the other, it stands for small mountain lakes which are often, contrary to the seeming inconspicuousness, exceptionally deep.  Release date: 27.02.2015 North-American release date: 03.03.2015  Available editions: - CD Digipak - Gatefold LP (180g vinyl, black) incl. special vinyl mastering, poster, printed inner sleeves and PVD protection sleeve (500 copies) - 2CD+DVD Artbook, hardcover, 28x28 cm, 72 pages with additional artwork, texts and English translations of the lyrics plus bonus CD with two songs and bonus DVD with three video clips and interview(1.000 copies)  Tracklist: 1. Nametenie 2. Izbucul Galbenei 3. La Hotaru Cu Cinci Culmi 4. Curgerea Muntelui 5. Tarim Vilhovnicesc 6. Impodobeala Timpului 7. Picur Viu Foc 8. Schimniceste  Bonus CD (only artbook) 1. La Hotaru Cu Cinci Culmi (alternate version) 2. Impodobeala Timpului (alternate version)  Bonus DVD (only artbook) 1. Nametenie (video clip) 2. Curgerea Muntelui (video clip) 3. Schimniceste (video clip)  There are also bundles available with the format of your choice and a Negura Bunget shirt.

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